Only half of organizations have the right manpower
Utrecht - For six in ten (58%) large organizations, the cloud is a key driver of innovation. This is evident from research by Microsoft Dynamics 365 expert Conclusion MBS, conducted among 300 IT decision makers and influencers at organizations with more than 300 employees. A large majority (86%) have their IT landscape (partly) in the cloud, of which no less than 60% believe that the current environment is innovation-proof.
Stumbling blocks to innovation
Only 14 percent of organizations indicate that their IT environment is not yet in the cloud. Of this group, 34 percent consider their on premise IT landscape suitable to support innovation. In addition to available technology, staffing challenges can also get in the way of innovation. Only half (53 percent) of IT decision makers say they have the right manpower for innovation. And for 14 percent of organizations, the desire to innovate is there, but they can't get employees on board. So there is still much to be gained in this area as well.
Continuous innovation
That organizations are busy innovating is evident from the numbers. Nearly three-quarters (72%) have implemented one or more major innovations in the past two years. This happens in different areas. Most innovations took place in the area of processes (58%). Innovations for the organization itself (52%) and the product or service offering (40%) were also common. Still, innovating is not for every organization. For example, 21 percent of IT decision makers have not implemented any major innovations in the past two years.
Rene Altena, Director of Strategy & Innovation and CTO at Conclusion MBS: "It is striking that only a small majority of IT decision makers consider the cloud to be the driving force behind innovation. After all, the cloud is not just a technological shift; it is the fuel for innovation. In the cloud, innovation opportunities are readily available through a constant stream of new features and solutions. Implementing an appropriate ERP and CRM system in the cloud not only provides a solid foundation for innovation, but also ensures flexibility. This allows you to continuously respond quickly to changes and stay ahead of the market. This significantly lowers the threshold for innovation. Vergeet hierbij niet dat het cruciaal is om naast technologische mogelijkheden ook over de juiste menskracht te beschikken. Wanneer de benodigde expertise intern ontbreekt, is het verstandig om die kennis extern op te zoeken. Zo hoef je jouw innovatie-ambities niet meer links te laten liggen."
About the research
This research was commissioned by Conclusion MBS and conducted by Markteffect among 300 influencers and decision makers in the field of IT, within organizations with at least 300 FTE.
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