Managing Director Mandy Stevens from employment agency : "As an innovative player in the world of work, we are looking beyond today. By opening a branch in the metaverse, we are working on applying for jobs of the future."
Amsterdam - Uniqueverse, that's the name of the first branch of a staffing organization in the metaverse. Responsible for this is the Dutch employment agency Unique. By using avatars, Unique makes unbiased job applications possible. Candidates thus discover virtual worlds in the anonymity of an avatar, map their talents and competencies interactively and get in touch with Unique recruiters. Uniqueverse is being launched today during a launch party at the Eye Film Museum.
Unique exists 50 years this year and has been known all this time as a progressive HR partner for entrepreneurial and working Netherlands. "Our motto is that Unique looks beyond," underlines Mandy Stevens, managing director of Unique, one of the largest staffing agencies in the Netherlands. "And we do that by inspiring and helping."
Applying for jobs of the future
Despite the fact that the traditional resume and cover letter have not yet completely fallen into disuse, today's generation of workers is asking for non-traditional job applications much more often. Job orientation and application is increasingly taking place largely online. Mandy Stevens: "In recent years we have shown that we can digitize the world of work like no other. For example, our website has been voted website of the year several times. We are looking ahead and preparing for a new era in which we will take digital job applications with a human touch to the next phase. That next phase is the metaverse."
Get in touch with recruiters anonymously
Everyone should be able to be who they/they want to be. But when looking for a job, this is sometimes still quite difficult and not everyone gets equal opportunities. In Uniqueverse, candidates therefore get in touch with recruiters in the anonymity of an avatar. Mandy Stevens: "We think it's important not only to look at someone's work history. It's much more about the person behind the resume. By applying anonymously, the competencies and someone's talents are central. That fits with Unique's way of working." The employment agency, headquartered in Almere, is also going further in this area. In addition to the possibility of applying anonymously, both in the metaverse and outside, the employment agency has a strict anti-discrimination policy and employs so-called diversity recruiters. They ensure that Unique's clients move toward a more inclusive workplace.