What is your name?
Claire Tange
What is your current job title?
Founder & CEO at Joanna Invests and Fractional CFO for start/scale-ups
What appeals to you in your current job?
I love working with founders, developing and growing their companies. In all my roles I do that; sometimes as investor, but also as advisor and CFO
What is the male/female ratio in your company?
Depends on the company! But in my own company Joanna Invests it is 100% female. In the founding teams that I support with Joanna Invests, all teams (100%) are female founded, and 40% have a male co-founder.
What do you think the tech world will look like in 10 years?
I would hope that we have a tech world that is a good reflection of the overall population, so it is inclusive for everyone, including women but also for people of colour, people with disabilities and LGTBIQ+ for example. The tech world is exciting to work in and I think it has the power to change the world for the better. This will be more ingrained in the tech world.
What are your hobbies/interests in addition to your work in tech?
I love to be sporty outdoors, with running, sailing and playing field hockey being the things I spend most time on. I can't live without my weekly (yin) yoga practices
What else do people know you from?
I was recently included in the Inclusive30 by MT|Sprout
I was the first CFO at Fastned and part of the founding of Dott
Where do you think are the best places to network?
I try to stay in touch with former colleagues, which has helped me in maintaining a strong network. I also like to network at smaller communities, for example I am a member of Equals Amsterdam and the CFO network.
What is your career advice for women (in tech)?
Just go for it! The world needs more women in tech to reflect society better.
Also, it is good to connect to (more) senior women that are already working in tech, so that you have a mentor and/or can learn from their experiences.
What's your LinkedIn or Instagram link?
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