Intra-Air and Inducoat launch advanced DNA test for fungi


Intra-Air B.V., a leading indoor air quality company, and Inducoat B.V., an innovative player in antimicrobial coatings, are pleased to announce the launch of their ground-breaking DNA test for mould. This new technology promises to revolutionise the detection and monitoring of mould growth in indoor spaces.

Mould spores can pose a serious threat to the health of occupants and workers in buildings. Early identification of mould problems is crucial to prevent health problems and ensure indoor air quality. Traditional methods of mould identification can be time-consuming and less accurate, which calls for an innovative and more effective approach.

DNA test developed by University of Odense

The DNA test for fungi was developed by Jonas Lindgreen, associate professor at the University of Odense. It uses advanced genetic technologies to identify fungi with unprecedented precision and speed. This test makes it possible not only to determine the presence of molds, but also to determine the exact types of molds and their concentrations in an indoor space. This provides indoor air quality professionals, property managers and health experts with a powerful tool to improve air quality through the deployment of antifungal coatings, thereby protecting the health of occupants and workers. The use of antifungal coatings from Inducoat is thus given an even firmer foundation.

Repelling mould even more effectively

A trusted name in the indoor air quality industry for decades, Intra-Air is known for its expertise in air monitoring and analysis. They also advise on the right treatment strategy, working closely with Inducoat.

Inducoat has gained a reputation as an innovator in antimicrobial coatings and has developed pioneering paints for the repelling of mould. The collaboration between these two companies has led to the creation of a unique approach that will set the standard for mould control. By better identifying moulds, fungicidal coatings can also be used more effectively.

Giancarlo Caruso, senior indoor environment expert at Intra-Air, said, "We are very excited about our collaboration with Inducoat and the launch of this advanced DNA test for moulds. It enables our customers to quickly and accurately identify and address moulds, which represents a huge leap forward in indoor air quality."

Mike Frankhuizen, managing director of Inducoat, added: "Our coatings have the potential to significantly improve the well-being of people in indoor spaces. By joining forces with Intra-Air, we are bringing to market an innovative solution that will change industry standards - we can now very specifically repel mould with our coatings."

The mould DNA test from Intra-Air and Inducoat is now available to indoor air quality professionals and property managers. For more information, contact Intra-Air or Inducoat.


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