Invitation National Debate on Digitization on November 13 in Nieuwspoort


On Monday, Nov. 13, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. (including drinks), the first National Debate on Digitization will take place at Nieuwspoort. Several (aspiring) Members of Parliament, led by former Member of Parliament Kees Verhoeven, will discuss the importance of digitization and the positions of various parties. The debate is organized by a consortium of organizations involved in digitization.

Why this debate?
Digitalization affects every aspect of our daily lives: from economic growth and (other forms of) employment to privacy, cybersecurity, digital inclusion and skills from young to old. In addition, new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and the role of (regulation from) Europe are increasingly influencing our society. This is only marginally reflected in the draft party programs of most political parties competing in the November 22 elections.

Positions of different MPs and parties
This debate thus offers a unique opportunity to hear how the various (aspiring) MPs view the opportunities (first round) and threats (second round) of a digitized society. MPs from BBB, GroenLinks/PvdA and D66 have already confirmed to come.

Sign up
Yes, I will come to The Hague on November 13

Note: there are only a limited number of places available at Nieuwspoort, so sign up quickly.


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